martes, 21 de octubre de 2008


Learning outcomes
Students will know the basic geometric shapes that make-up the tangram puzzle. The students will learn which shapes can be created when joining the tangram pieces. When you use all 7 pieces, you can create a square. Other shapes that can be constructed with the tangram pieces are: a rectangle, a triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, pentagon, and a rhombus. Students will be able to create animal shapes using all seven pieces and then write a poem about their animal. Students will then use a word processing program to type their poems. Using a drawing program, they will create their animal. (The class animals can be put together in a Kid Pix Studio Deluxe Slide Show.)
Teacher planning
Time required for lesson
3 - 5 days
Grandfather Tang’s Story by Ann Tompert (available in paperback and hardcover from
A set of overhead tangrams
Overhead Projector
Student sets of tangrams
Technology resources
Computers with Student Writing Center or a word processing program.
Computers with Kid Pix Studio Deluxe
Windows Download of tangram puzzles:
PC download (freeware) but not necessary to complete this lesson plan) I use the demo version and have since purchased this software. Students enjoyed this tool immensely.
Briefly give an account of the history of the Tangram puzzle.
Discuss Tangram puzzle and the shapes that make up the puzzle.
Discuss geometric figures as a review.
Introduce other geometric concepts: ex. Right angles, sides, angles, etc.
As Grandfather Tang’s Story by Ann Tompert is being read, create the various animals in the story using the overhead projector and two sets of overhead tangrams.
After the book has been read, allow the students to use their tangrams. If you do not have tangrams then use the tangram attachmentStudent can cut these out for manipulation. Allow a few minutes of free exploration.
Have them create the animals in Grandfather Tang’s Story. Then let the students construct their own tangram animals from the animals of nature. Students must use all seven pieces to construct and create their animals. Then have the students trace the shape of their animal on drawing paper. Have the students create an acrostic poem using their animal’s name.
On another day, the students will create their animals using Kid Pix Studio Deluxe. They will also type their poems using Student Writing Center or another word processing program.
Lesson can then go from the hands-on manipulatives to the computer where they students can manipulate the tangram pieces using the mouse and prepared templates that are built into the downloaded programs.
Construction of their animals with the tangram pieces.
Poems are typed, edited, and published using the computer.
The tangram animals are drawn first using different art media and then by using the computer.
Informal assessment of the different geometric terms as lesson occurs.
Students will show evidence of an understanding of tangrams by manipulating the pieces from this interactive site.
Supplemental information
Tangram Puzzle Piece
Tangram History
Tangram Pieces
Optional: Worksheets from Kendall Hunt Math Textbook: Trailblazers Unit 12, Lesson 1. These worksheets match this lesson.

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